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Bavarian premiere

Bavarian premiere BEING BRUNO BANANI in Munich 30. International Documentaryfilmfestival Munich 2015 Wednesday, may 13th 7 pm, ARRI Friday, may 15th 5 pm, ARRI Saturday, may 16th 10 pm, City 3 Tickets:: https://www.dokfest-muenchen.de/karten.php

German premiere

German premiere BEING BRUNO BANANI in Dreiländereck 12. Neissefilmfestival 2015 Friday, may 8th 6.30 pm, Hillersche Villa, Zittau, Germany Saturday, may 9th 10 pm, Kunstbauerkino 2, Großhennersdorf, Germany Tickets: https://www.neissefilmfestival.de/

World premiere

World premiere BEING BRUNO BANANI in Switzerland Vision du Réel Festival in Nyon 2015 Monday, april 20th 5 pm Théâtre de Marens Dienstag, april 21th 8 pm, Théâtre de Grand-Champ  

Nikolaus-Verlosung – Who is the Speedfreak?

Facebook St. Nicholas-Sweepstake: Who is the Speedfreak? Win the ultimate “Being Bruno Banani ” wooden sledge and discover whether slumbers a true luge-talent in you. Let´s go! Please “like” and “share” our little Saint Nicholas sweepstake and win a real “Being Bruno Banani” wooden sledge. We will determine the winner on St. Nicholas at 6 […]