Our sincerest thanks to

Anneke & Carlotta E. Wagner
Julia Grob
René Rülke & William A. Wentzlaff
Saskia Zschömitzsch
The Royal Family of Tonga
HRH Princess Salote Mafile`o Pilolevu Tuita
The Royal Association of Tonga
Robin Kaho
Lucy Anna Ilaiu
William Edwards
Leafa M. Wawryk
Isapela Malama
National Olympic Committee of Tonga (NOC)
Takitoa Taumoepeau
Kitione M. Mokofisi
The Ukulele Boy Orchestra of Tonga
Mathias Ihle
Isabel Barschinski & Family
Wolfgang Jassner
Jan Jassner

for the organisational support we would like to thank
makai Europe GmbH
Mathias Ihle
Franziska Graupner
Isabel Barschinski
Fédération Internationale de Luge de Course (FIL)
Hartmut Kardaetz
Christoph Schweiger
Josef Fendt
Britta Semmler
Maria Luise Rainer
Wolfgang Harder
Ioan Apostol and Team
Reto Lamm

for the kind support we would like to thank
Wintersport Altenberg GmbH
Matthias Benesch
Ulli Hahn
Tino Klein
Mike Schmiedel
German Luge National Team
Norbert Loch
Torsten Görlitzer
all athletes and coaches
Sommerrodelbahn Zwickau e.V.
Bob- und Schlittenverband für Deutschland
ASL – Strub, Akademie für soziales Lernen, Johannes Schuster
„Glückauf” – Gymnasium, Dippoldiswalde/Altenberg
Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft, Christian Dahms
Ingenieurbüro Gurgel + Partner, Mike Richter
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Christian Krähe
Rechtsanwalt Ulf Dobberstein LL.M.
Kreisklinik Berchtesgaden
HELIOS Weißeritztal-Kliniken – Klinik Dippoldiswalde
Kesselhaus, Leipzig
Fela, Leipzig
Kinobar Prager Frühling, Leipzig
Billfish Bar & Restaurant, Tonga
Friends Tourist Center, Tonga
Buffalo Bills Bar & Grill, Whistler
Sophie Hellriegel
Christof Amrhein

for the technical support we would like to thank
werkblende GbR
ThommTV GmbH
Chapman broadcast
ariane-film GmbH
Henrik Fehse

for the radio recordings we would like to thank
TBC – Tonga Broadcasting Commission, Kitione M. Mokofisi

for the music and the soundtrack
Tobias Fiedler
Marcus Dippner
Daniel Splitt